Friday, December 22, 2006

getting started

Generally it's only after a certain amount of time has passed that a person is able to point to a particular moment as a turning point in their life.

I ask myself, how did I come to be a water aficionado? Two moments come to mind.

My second day in New Mexico I went for a walk in the foothills of the Sandia Mountains. It was August. It was going to get pretty hot. I thought about the desert plants around me and the people who lived in this place. I marveled at how they ran water in the kitchen sink without a thought about being careful of it. I remember being surprised.

Several years later my uncle made a chance remark about growing population in the southwest and the strain it put on water resources. He mentioned a book called Cadillac Desert. His comment set me to wondering about water. More than wondering, it moved me to action. I began to talk to people, to look for things to read, to learn . . .

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